Vom 5. bis zum 12. Oktober verbrachten 23 SchülerInnen der 7. Klassen eine Woche in Cambridge, um ihre Englischkenntnisse zu vertiefen. Begleitet wurden sie von Mag.a Petra Ettinger und Mag.a Rebekka Dirnberger.
Zurück in Österreich haben sie ihre Erlebnisse in einem Reiseblog festgehalten:
Zurück in Österreich haben sie ihre Erlebnisse in einem Reiseblog festgehalten:
Blog comment
By Alex A.
October 22
By Alex A.
October 22
I just returned from my language week in Cambridge a few days ago and the first thing I told my family was that my stay was a really exciting experience. This was the first time I was forced to speak English all the time. It was the first time I stayed in England and everything was perfect.
Our host parents were really nice. Both of them were about 60 years old. Their names were Helen and Dave. They did everything for me and my classmate. Whenever we had a problem, someone fixed it for us. Dave and Helen’s children are grown-up now and they live very far away from them. I think they are a little bit lonely.
I am sure the language week helped me a lot, because now I’ve seen that I am able to speak to English people and they understand me!!!! Before the week I thought I had such bad English skills that nobody would understand me. Now I got more confident about my English.
In our school lessons in England we always had to talk in English. The teacher asked us various questions and we had to give him a quite long answer, not one-word or one-sentence-answers, but a few sentences. We also played some little games which had something to do with English. All in all the school was not as stressful as in Austria. In Austria we learned the basics for our English skills and in England we had to use them.
The language week in Cambridge was a really exciting experience and I would recommend it to everybody.
Blog comment
By David S.
October 26th 2013
By David S.
October 26th 2013
Hello everybody!
Today I want to share my experiences and thoughts on language weeks. Since I have just returned from an English language week in Cambridge my impressions are pretty recent.
Host family
Our English group was not as lucky with our host family as other language classes I have heard of, although it could have been worse. Me and my friend Thomas landed in a small terraced house in the suburbs of Cambridge. It was quite crammed and a bit dirty all over the place, but the family was very polite and put a lot of effort into making our stay comfortable.
Progression in language skills
The week was quite fun. However, I do not think that I have made much progress in English during this week. On the other hand it helped my roommate to overcome his shyness and speak English more fluently than before.
I think to learn a language it is better to invest some time into language classes and studying than a lot of money into a single language week. Sometimes though it can help people to enjoy English a bit more and that is worth the money by all means.
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