Die Sprachwoche der drei 7. Klassen führte vom 18. bis 25. September auf die Insel Malta.
Die 47 Schülerinnen und Schüler in Begleitung von Mag. Helga Schmiedjell, Mag. Katharina Wöckinger und Mag. David Weinberger lernten neben dem doch etwas eigenartigen maltesischen Englisch auch die kulturelle Vielfalt der Mittelmeerinsel kennen. Ausflüge in die Hauptstadt Valetta, ins Landesinnere nach Mdina und Rabat, sowie eine Bootsfahrt zur Blauen Grotte, die Besichtigung der Playmobilfabrik und ein Bowlingabend waren eine willkommene Abwechslung zum vormittäglichen Unterricht in der Sprachschule von Sliema.
Hier nun ein Erlebnisbericht in Form eines Blogs.
Our week in Malta
Hey guys!
Have you ever been to Malta? Last week my classmates and I made a trip to this small island in the Mediterranean Sea and I’m going to write about my impressions there.
The arrival
Right after midday we went out of the airport and a giant heatwave overwhelmed us. After getting used to the heat of Malta we were picked up by our host families. In my case there were six people who had to squeeze into in a small car with five seats.
The city
After having unpacked our suitcases in our host family’s home we started to explore the center of Sliema. I think that there are only two words needed to describe Sliema: yellow and dirty. Yellow because of the buildings which are all made of lime stone and dirty because of the streets which seemed to consist of chewing gum and plastic bottles that were also found in the sea. Sliema has its own atmosphere though.
The program
When school was over, we usually had a trip to a touristy place like Valleta, Mdina (another "big" city of Malta), the Playmobil factory and the Blue Grotto where we had the "honour to admire the marvelous view of the beauty of the breathtaking cliffs and the blue sea" as our enthusiastic guide put it.
All in all we had a great time but we are also happy to be home now. If you have ever been to Malta before, leave a comment about your impressions below.
(Florian Wolf, Florian Birklbauer, Tobias Henöckl, Gregor Wellenberger)
- Gruppenfoto in der sommerlichen Hitze
- Hafenrundfahrt in Valetta
- Warten auf die Abholung durch die Gastfamilien
- In der Playmobilfabrik
- Bootsfahr zur Blauen Grotte
- Blue Grotto
- Hafen von Marsaxlokk